Sunday 25 October 2015

Tyntesfield - healing for the soul via soggy soles

So I'm still battling away with being a Not Very Runny Runner at the moment. I have been hideously ill this last week and on mega antibiotics for tonsillitis (ouch) and some rather annoying business *whispers and points* "down below"......

This meant I couldn't coach this week and have literally been in bed. But this morning I got up and went to do week 6 of the Tyntesfield 5-10k course. I tried to talk myself out of it the whole way. I thought ah well If I go I'll just have a walk, at least Im out. I thought I have every excuse under the sun to not run this week- I haven't been that poorly in a long time and should be Looking After Myself.

So I did Look After Me. I looked after me by going and running. Up hills, down hills, in soggy grass, jumping over cow pats, climbing over gates, dodging cows, admiring the gorgeous scenery and taking deep life affirming lungfuls of air. Surrounded by a wonderful group of inspiring women- two of which had birthdays today!

We did just under 5km, 15 mins running, 1 minute walking, 15 minutes running. It was hard, it was soggy underfoot but my God it was fun.

I am so over feeling sorry for myself. My health isn't great and has been pretty lousy recently but I feel a lot better getting out and running as fast and as far as I can. On the drive home I drove over the suspension bridge and saw the glorious sight of the Bristol-Bath marathon in full swing. I was filled with pride and admiration for all those taking part and realised that my 5km this morning was as important as their 26.2 miles. Every step is as worth it as the next one, if you are an elite athlete or a mum trying to squeeze in some fitness.

We are all athletes.

Sunday 11 October 2015

A triumphant return?

Just look at that picture above. That is a group of women who got out of bed at stupid o clock on a Sunday morning to meet at Tyntesfield and run. Look at the sheer glee. Now these are busy mums, busy mums who have kids, families, jobs, houses, schedules that would make a busy bee weep. But on a Sunday morning, the historical day of lovely lie ins we get up and GO! I am currently doing a course with #Thismumruns

Why do we do it? Because it feels GREAT. It feels beyond amazing. When the alarm went off at 7am it didn't feel great. I was warm and cosy, I start work at 8am every day Monday to Friday and yesterday I took my daughter to London to look at a Uni so endured the sheer trauma of National Express, a whistlestop tour of the Big Smoke and then back on the National Express THAT THEN BROKE DOWN so we didn't get home until past 10 last night. I am TIRED. I am always tired. My next possible lie in is in 6 days time. But something makes me want to run.

I have had a crappy summer running wise- Ive just been looking at my stats from my Garmin and it all went pear shaped in July. I did 3 runs in June, 1 in July, 1 in August and that is tragic. Luckily it has looked up from September where I clocked up 6 runs and I am hoping October is going to shape up even better. I am trying to stop focusing on what I haven't done (e.g.: run at all in the summer!) and look forward to what I can do, am doing and will do.

Im glad I have resurrected this blog and hope to keep it up to record the highs and lows of my running journey. Further than the sofa, one step at a time........