Wednesday 29 July 2015

Mojo and muffin tops

Long time no post. So I previously sustained an injury and have been off the running bus for more than a month. Ive also been very busy in Real Life with changing jobs, adjusting to new hours working 5 days a week and of course, as a mum of 4 the summer holidays!

Ive also been thinking long and hard about the great weight debate. I am a bigger girl, I am also addicted to my scales and have been known to weigh myself when I get up for a wee at 4am. Yes, really..... so I have been looking at my body image, relationship with my weight, my body and the scales as a whole. I have a wonderful husband who is my rock. I suffer with Crohns Disease which is a fluctuating condition and very debilitating, so for all the nights I have danced till 3am I have other days I go to bed at literally 5pm. I know my husband loves me for more than the size off my bum but I often feel guilty that he has been lumbered with a fatty. My body has taken a battering due to the Crohns and the various medications I have to take. They also have an adverse effect on my weight and I have gained most of my weight in the last 3 years (conversely also since I gave up smoking) and my relationship with the scales have been getting increasingly dysfunctional.

SO I made a decision. I have removed the scales from the bathroom, they don't tell me my worth, they don't tell me how much I am loved by my family and friends, or how fit I am.
I have been going to the gym, doing circuits (with my husband) and my gym work out the PT set me. I have also now completed day 2 of 5k-10k which I have returned to as I feel I have lost so much fitness in injury time. I have also lost confidence in my running ability.

BUT body confidence wise I am feeling great- funnily enough I haven't miraculously lost 3 stone over night, but as I also don't know if I have fluctuated 7 lbs in a week either way then I am happy as my clothes still fit and I haven't stepped on the scales in over a week. I would like to lose weight, but actually I would like to tone up. I don't really care what figures I weigh.

I will return as the doors just gone